

Research Committees
This is the Research Committee page of JSMVR. It is a great opportunity for visitors to get a better understanding of the background and context of the Research Committee's latest work. If you would like to join the research committee, please contact the representative after joining the society.

VR Digital Therapeutics Research Committee
(Representative: Prof. Masayo Matsumura)
(代表:松 村雅代教授)
Digital Therapeutics are medical devices that use digital technology to deliver medical interventions for therapeutic purposes. A smartphone app to support diabetes self-management won FDA approval in 2010, and a VR rehabilitation program won FDA approval in 2018. VR is expected to be utilized mainly in the mental field, as its intense sense of immersion and change in perspective can lead to powerful behavioral and cognitive changes. Our research group will (1) promote research on the application of engineering knowledge to treatment, and (2) lead the development of ethical guidelines and guidelines for use.
デジタル治療薬(Digital Therapeutics)とは、デジタル技術を用い、治療を目的とした医学的介入を行う医療機器である。2010年に糖尿病自己管理支援のスマホアプリが、2018年にはVRリハビリプログラムがFDA承認を獲得した。VRならではの強烈な没入感、視点の転換等は、強力な行動・認知変容が可能であり、メンタル領域を中心に活用が期待されている。当研究会は、①工学的な知見の治療への応用に関する研究を進め、②倫理的ガイドライン、活用ガイドラインの策定をリードしていく。
The term "metaverse" was first used by Neal Stephenson in his 1992 science fiction novel Snow Crash. Today, it not only refers to online 3D environments, but also to the totality of all virtual worlds, including virtual reality, augmented reality, and the entire Internet.
It does not rely only on virtual reality devices; it can be accessible not only to VR and AR but also to all of the various computing platforms, including PCs and even mobile devices and game consoles.
Our society would like to actively promote research and development on the concept of the medical metaverse and its application to health, medicine, and welfare.
If you share our aims, let's conduct research and development together.
Contact: jsmvr.hp(at)gmail.com
Research group leader: Hiroshi Oyama, M.D., Ph.D.

Research Association on the Effects of VR Experience on the Human Body"
庄野 直之

Study Group Representative:
Department of Neurosurgery, The University of Tokyo Hospital
Dr. Naoyuki Shono
1). 設立趣旨:
2). 事業内容:
1) Purpose of establishment:
Many aspects of the effects of VR on the human body remain unknown, and current guidelines are primarily provided by VR vendors. This association aims to conduct research and evaluation from a medical perspective as a neutral entity.
2) Activities:
The association will regularly survey and summarize research on the safety of VR experiences, and publish guidelines. In some cases, white papers will be created. If necessary, additional research will be conducted to address any gaps in knowledge.
Call for Projects
JSMVR is looking for many projects that apply VR and AR to medicine. JSMVR provides a place to support research and development into the promotion of education and training in futuristic medicine, nursing and care, and applications in rehabilitation.